Friday, March 20, 2009


Not sure what's wrong with me. I've been wandering up and down in the house for hte past 5 hours without doing anything really. I've got this wicked headache. I shoudl have gone out with Kevin but I just couldn't get motivated.

Today I went to Oberlin for the first time in about 5 years. It was nice. Very pretty day. Megan and I got together at the Feve. I miss Megan and Carla. A full year working our asses off and complaining about Swire seems have been quite the bonding experience.

While I was in school there was, dad came and pick me up nearly every weekend and drive me back 2 days later. I remember when I was losing my mind, and I called my mom, and mom called dad to come out and get me. I never really gave my parents credit for how great they were to me when I was losing my mind. I gave them such shit when I was around that age, and they still rescued me from my insanity without question. It was like "Stephen's messed up; we have to help him; there's no question." That's amazing to me. I was so selfish. And it didn't matter. We fought so much and it didn't matter. I was hurting, and they helped because they're great.

Dad came to get me every weekend. Sure, it was only like 25 minutes from work, but it was an hour from home. Every weekend, so I could then leave and work and spend time with Marta. Every weekend. I was selfish.

I've thought of this a lot. Not just because of what happened, but because as much shit as I've given my parents, I still think of that as so great of them.

Alrighty... Im just being weapy. I need to stop.

ugh. my head hurts.

I'm excited about next week. I'm a little hesitant to leave mom alone, but i figure andrew is here, so that's good. But I can't stop the excitement. I need to escape. I can't wait to get back to columbus. I can't want to see Nooree (especially since time will be much happier and I may actually bring her chocolates like I've been trying for weeks and maybe we'll go roller skating but whatever we do will be fine with me because I just enjoy her company and maybe she'll be able to come out and play more than once). Im a little worried about having to answer questions about dad from 1/2 a millino people at Stauf's, but at the same time, it will be nice to have a bunch of people around who care. I hope maybe i'll get t ride bikes with Suzi and Sean. Hopefully Erica will show up. The chef may make me drink absinthe with him! And Morrissey!

ugh. my head hurts. god i hope the peeps at the bar let me take the test god i hope so.

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