Sunday, March 22, 2009


grimace. i've been censoring my posts again, and I don't like it. I'm not comfortable talking about everything here not just because I'm not comfortable talking about it, but also because I don't like to admit that i'm hurting and i dont like to admit when i'm dwelling. Well... no more censoring, if i can help it. I think i need to think through some things and i dont realy like putting the burden on my friends to hear me whine.

So.. since writing my first post today, i've been thinking a lot about how the odd aloofness that andrew and i share comes from dad. andrew and i are both aloof, but it manifests in different ways. but i think the reason is ultimately the same. its because we make different, maybe unconventional associations and other people don't really seem to understand. Its obvious from our senses of humor...

i just realized that i'm far too tired to explore this right now. more later.