Tuesday, January 20, 2009

500 days of summer; or "Damn, I want to see this and cry walking out of the theatre."

This is the teaser trailer for 500 Days of Summer. I'm really excited about this one. First, I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Who would have thought that the girly lookin' kid from 3rd rock would have gone on to make movies I'd watch? But after seeing him in Brick, I'm pretty much hooked on him. Second, it's about this guy who falls madly for this girl, Summer played by Zooey Deschanel, and apparently he radnomly breaks out into song... pop songs, that is.

A quick observation about the trailer. The voice over is really poorly written I think. But, Leslie Nealson doing the voice is pretty much perfect. Even tho it's crappy, I only care a little bit.

Anyway, I think this one's going to be good.


Andrew said...

I got the impression the VO is supposed to be kind of awkward sounding, but I can't explain why. Maybe it's just because the film itself seems to be pretty awkward (Disney animation style blue birds fluttering around during random musical numbers?).

The only other thing I noticed was that there seemed to be an awful lot of shots of Zooey Deschanel smiling dead into the camera. But that's fine in its own right.

Anonymous said...

i cannot wait for this. zooey deschanel is my lady crush!! and how can you not love the 3rd rock guy? AND there's random bursts of songs and dances. i'm so in. i will cry with you.....=]