Monday, January 12, 2009

Old guys drinking water from water bottles is odd

Have you ever noticed that when older guys who are dressed in shirts and ties, take drinks from bottles, the almost invariably make like a ton of noise. First, *screw screw screw* off the top. *CLICK* as the top gets yanked off the bottle. *sip swallow sip again* followed by *hold breath for no reason screw back on top EXHALE LOUDLY THROUGH NOSE* I don't get it

the guy sitting next to me in teh library has been doing this for the past like hour.

Geeze oh man am i tired. I think I must have been up all night without knowing it. I had a super long dream about something, but I can only vaguely remember stealing car, driving around a cul d'sac and going into some house that i'm not sure was mine. but I remember the dream going on forEVER.

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