Sunday, May 03, 2009

reflections on a long weekend

It's been a long weekend. Friday was andrew's birthday. So we went out to eat at some new place in chagrin called Jekyll's. If anyone comes to visit 'the falls,' I'll take you there if you want. Food-wise, it really wasn't that interesting. But its in this restaurant that looks at the falls and its super pretty. But, they need to be more creative with their menu. oh well. After dinner, Andrew and I went to see Psycho at the Cedar Lee. It was, simply put, amazing. I've seen psycho many times already, but this was really a whole different movie. I found myself even more intensely into it, and even more shaken up by the scary bits. I can't WAIT to show it to Nooree. I wish she could see it in the theatre. Oh well, its great either way.

Then yesterday Andrew Kevin and I went to see The Vader Project at the Warhol museum in pittsburgh. it was awesome. The Warhol museum was really great; if i had been by myself, i think i could have spent all day in there. But the vader project was all in all amazing. not just because i'm a star wars geek. I think it would have been cool to anyone with a passing knowledge of star wars. The univader (see above) was one of my favorites. they didn't let me take pictures, tho. if they had, there would be many.

And today, I went to see Rear Window. What can i say besides it was great. I'm completely infatuated with Grace Kelly. She brilliant in it--beautiful, funny, utterly convincing in her role. And costumes by Edith Head!

She Thinks Shes Edith Head - They Might Be Giants

so why then have i been in a funk all weekend? why oh why? I'm feeling restless; like i want to run away. Can't focus (so i'm working on a sunday evening trying to play some catch-up). don't know don't know don't know. oh well, sitting staring at my blog won't help, and it only means i'll have to work more. so more later maybe.

i want to live in NYC just so i can see the giants perform like once a week. THEY'RE ALWAYS GOING ON! (Erin...i'm on my way. :P )

No One Knows My Plan - They Might Be Giants

1 comment:

erin said...

i'm waiting. *fingers tapping*