So, its early in the season, and i haven't had a lot of training time, but my legs already feel like rocks. not quite steel yet... i'm working on it. i need to log many more miles before that happens.
But this is when things get problematic. Because Im starting to feel my pants fitting funny. I have super chickeny chicken legs. there's basically no nothing on them. but when i start cycling a lot, i build a lot of muscle in the upper thigh area. Which makes today's narrow pants fit a little funny. So much of me misses the 90s. I miss baggy ripped up pants and flannels and big clunky dr martens. I've got my docs on right now, and damn do i love the authority that comes will stomping around in these things. I'm also wearing my ubiquitous hoodie, which is a little bit like the flannel of the 2k's. and my jeans are a bit ripped right now. so i'm close... but not quite close enough
A restaurant in town does a 90s night teh 2nd and 4th thursdays of the month. I'm so going to the next one (not tomorrow).
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