There's a new movie out this week by Steven Soderberg called "the Girlfriend Experience" that really intrigues me. Apparently, the title refers to a sort of service that some hookers provide where, instead of merely a sexual experience, men pay top dollar to have the women pretend to be his girlfriend for the evening. So they may go out to dinner, have nice conversation, maybe see a movie, and I'm not even sure if it culminates in sex. I certainly think it doesnt have to. The movie stars a woman named Sasha Grey who has increased my interest in the movie because, apparently, this is the first time in a movie where she won't be having honest-to-god sex in it. See, apparently she's a porn star. (Yes, I looked her up online to find out who she was. Yes google returned naked pictures of her. No i didn't look. honestly.). And it really interests me that Steven Soderberg decided to cast her in this. Sure, I'm pretty sure the budget of this movie about about $100 and she was probably cheap. But I don't think that's why she's in it. Instead, I think that he saw the obvious parallels between porn and prostitution and decided that she probably would bring a certain realness and perhaps even a pathos that any old actress wouldn't have. Either way, i'm very intrigued....and no, not because she's naked in it. If i wanted to see her naked, the internet could provide that for me in fast and free. Nope, I'm interested in her performance and I'm interested in the topic. See, I've never heard about this particular service. I had to look it up online to find out what it was. And I think its both totally obvious and totally sad. Perhaps sadder than what a hooker normally does. I haven't decided yet. Its obvious because there are a lot of lonely people out there, and much of the time, they're not necessarily looking for sex. Instead, they're looking for someone who gives a shit about them. I think the same could be said about why some people go to therapists. But its sad because these people have reached the point where they have to pay someone to pretend to love them. I wish I could say that I didn't understand. But I do. Not that I'm like that. I have lots of great friend and I love you all as my friends. But I can imagine myself at that point. I can imagine myself as that lonely coffee shop guy who just wants someone to love him. ah sigh.
Anyway, its not opening anywhere around here for a while, i think. Alrighty, enough of that. gotts to leave
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