Friday, May 29, 2009


I've sort of fallen off the blogging horse recently. I just haven't had anything good to write. My brain has felt mushy and I've been particularly unmotivated by anything. Basically, I'm tired. All the time. And I really don't have an excuse why.

When I was in columbus last, I bumped into a friend I hadn't spoken with in many months. We talked for a while about how its sad when people lose interest in learning and growing. I agree. Its so easy to just get complacent. Especially as you get older, it gets easier and easier to just fall into the routine and do it over and over again. I think in some ways its related to living in the mid-west. Its very comfortable here. everything is familiar. And I think not just familiar because I've lived here forever, but I think the mid-west would be an easy place for just about anyone to move to. Because things here are so 'ordinary' that I think a transplant will have an easier time adjusting to the mid-west than somewhere else. I mean, Columbus is a test market for the rest of the country because people there are so average. I need a little more go in my life. I have no real drive right now.

Anyhoo... i got awesome new cycling shorts. They're bibs, so they have like built in suspenders. Very exciting. A little tight, but I'm hoping to stretch them out a big. I'm pretty happy with them, really.

ok, back to work.

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