So, its time for the NEW READER update.... While she hasn't posted a comment yet to alert you all of her existence, she is a reader and thus deserves HER VERY OWN PROFILE, written by none other than yours truly
Name: Susan 'Suzi' (middle name unknown, so I'll guess) Elizabeth Schmidt
Title: Doctor-Doctor
Alternate title: D2R2
place of birth: unknown--guess: some suburb of columbus
current residence: C-bus, baby!!!!
eyes: brown (?)
hair: brown (do i know anyone who doesnt have brown hair?)
likes: fighting cancer, the buckeyes, Chiplote, felafel, dirty gurrlscouts (YEAH!!! who doesn't love a good dirty girl scout), pear sorbet Sean (her hammer tossin'/rock climbin'/chocolate lovin' man).
dislikes: ice cream with chunks, bagels with seeds, Michigan, when stephen is overly wussy, when stauf's is overly busy, Bo Yu, people who are high on themselves.
quote: "I'm just pretending to not listen (here with my headphones on), but in reality, I'm totally paying attention and waiting to throw in a burning zinger... tee hee"
Meeting our hero in his favorite hang out earlier this year, Suzi and Stephen soon became 'those people who sit in the same spots every day which happen to be right next to each other.' Something of a Stauf's Satler and Waldorf. But times are a'chanin' a bit. the second half of 2008 is a bit of a change of pace for this dual degree student. For the past two years, she's been in medical doctor school, but she has officially begun her 'more normal' life as a philosopher doctor student. After kicking some super tuff medical test-thing, she's now fully dedicated to looking thru microscopes for the next 4 years or so....... Smart, funny, and fun, the world is her oyster (I don't understand that phrase, but I'm goign to use it anyway).... and on top of everything, she dates a guy (Sean) who is really cool in his own right... yupppp, except for the excessive amounts of work, everything seems groovy on the Suzi front. And now she has joined our illustrious ranks (which is easily is the best resume filler that anyone can have)... (oh...and because I'm evil) there is a least one picture of her on the internet that is pretty easy to find (and not on facebook or something).
A quick note for Suzi... the other day Suzi took some time to 'encourage' me to grow some ballz and ask this girl out..... and she also encouraged everyone else in stauf's at the time to help 'encourage' me.... and I think she was worried that she offended me... But she should know that I realize that i'm a big sissy. And maybe one day I'll be man enough to actually ask... but right now. well, i'm a sissy...
actually, i said this to Phil the other day, and its an excuse, but I think its sadly true. I've been so busy recently that I dont have the time or energy to deal with 'dating.' A 'date' for me would be like 'hey baby, lets go sit in a coffee shop and read!' That's hot. oooooo..... I would especially have a hard time dating someone who didnt understand my insanity and who didn't understand the pressures that school/law school can put on you (me). And, one thing I didn't say to phil, is that I always get a little more scared when I'm feeling a little bit more lonely, because I don't want to go thru that whole dependency thing again... that hurt... and, the last long term relationship i was in I basically got into because I was lonely. And I made a lot of bad decisions becasue of that... I was blind to reality... and it really hurt in the end. guh.... anyhoo... i'm outtie.
1 comment:
Aww that was so flattering.
Also, you are evil. I had no idea that the med center made our ID pictures public. I apparently forgot to look very "doctorly" that day.
Finally, Stephen you are no more of a sissy than most of us. I tease you, and admittedly, I worried a lot the other night about having gone to far. I'm glad I didn't, but don't be too hard on yourself. Most of us don't exactly have the ballz that you speak of. I only tease, I certainly do not think you are really a sissy.
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