So, I need to post this. Sean proposed to Suzi today!!!! yay!!! it was pretty awesome, I have to say. I'm excited for them...... awesomeness. They will officially be the second and 3rd people whom I know to get married. I think that's a bit odd. I'm 29... I've known a lot of people, yet of all those people, only Sara got married.... odd... but actually, fewer and fewer people I know are even dating right now... odd... Because, i mean, andrew and kathryn, we all come from a successful, happy family.. you think we'd be better at it then we are... ok, kathryn, i suppose its not your fault... but what the hell are we up to andrew?
i still can't figure out why I've been so lonely recently... its really kinda lame... its been bad.... hrmmmm... maybe I'll shake it off tomorrow...
tomorrow I'm going to see the Nightmare before Christmas in 3D!!!!! I tried to convince Nooree to go with me... and I think she may actually (come on, Nooree, you know you want to), but the truth is, I'm going either way... its awesome. and i needs me some clay animate morose humor musical... odd, normally i dont really care about seeing movies by myself, but whenever a 3D one come around I try to corral as many people as I can, and no one is ever interested. HOW CAN YOU NOT BE INTERESTED IN 3D!!!?!?!?!?!? IT RULES!!!
I had plans to write more in this blog, but I'm tired... and this post sucks. I think I'll just stop, i guess. i do like the picture for today, tho.
Damn right, it's not my fault! I'm rather good at dating and happen to be an excellent girlfriend. I just also happen to choose the wrong guys to date. Nothing is wrong with either of you...you just need to not be so serious about it and have some fun.
As far as I'm concerned, you and I are probably two of the worst adjusted people I've known when you take into account our family. By all rights (rites?) we should be successful doctor/lawyer types with women on each arm.
I personally can't understand what went wrong.
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