Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tired Stephen is Tired

In exactly 1 week, i'll be in Portland. that means, I pretty much have 1 week left of studying, because I doubt I'll get good studying done next sunday or monday.

I'm too tired right now to form coherent thoughts. but I'd like to do just a little more work, so I'm trying to get a second wind going. Right now I'm at the point where i have pretty good recognition and decent recall, but my pure memorization stinks. I realize that I stopped memorizing in law school sometime during second year, and started relying a lot more on my outlines and crazy-awesome tabbing organization.

But, I've started to think of another mix tape for someone. This one is a collection of 12 of my cheeziest songs. It was originally intended to be a valentine's day thing, but with the power outage, that didn't happen. So its getting pushed back to after the bar. I want to keep it to 12, because more than that could get obnoxious. And I want to have cheesy songs that are also (i think) good. Like untitled by the cure (see above). The lyrics are crazy-cheezy (like so many cure songs), but i still think the song is pretty amazing (not surprisingly, it comes from of the best albums ever).... originally, this song was on the list, but I've cut it because I think it's just a little too long... And besides, I've got so many others to choose from. (I think mint car is probably the winner).

but who knows.... she'll find out when I give it to her.

I love making mix tapes. I was watching some clips from High Fidelity (one of mine and Kathryn's favorite movies) the other day, and there's a discussion of making mixed tapes in that movie (and in the book) which rings pretty true. The danger of it is that you tend to reveal a little too much of yourself in the tape. But that's the fun...What does it say? ordinarily when I make a mixed tape, I get rid of the track list so that it only exists for that person at that time. Every one, in that, is a little bit special. special to me, that is. I'm pretty sure they aren't special to the people I give them to, but they're special to me; I put way more work into a mixed tape than I should.

Thinking of it now, I don't think I've ever had a mixed tape made for me. hmmmm... that's not really a problem... i just think it's odd. I've given out a lot.

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