Thursday, February 26, 2009


Well.. here I am, still in portland, but sorta getting ready to leave. I spent most of the day wandering around the city. I went in powell's, two music stores, ate a gigantic donut (yeast raised, glazed wtih chocolate and peanut butter, and then covered in crushed oreos), ate a gigantic piece of vegan pizza, rode the train in and out, and now i'm in my hotel room chilling out. I'm pretty damn tired. Portland is a cool city; pretty much exactly what i expected out of it, tho larger than I thought it would be. not quite as trendy as i expected. I don't understand the layout or anything, but what I saw was pretty cool. Can I imagine living out here? Yes.... lots of bikers, which is good for me... but to be honest, i'm exceedingly lonely right now. I was crazy for coming out here. I had a great cup of coffee at a place called "stumproasters" and it was a pretty damn amazing cup of coffee. But the place itself wasn't nearly as cool as Stauf's. Stauf's continues to be just a comfortable hangout.

I listened in as some pilot dude trash talked Obama. He was pissed because Obama wants to tax him so he can pay for healthcare for the country. I will never, ever, understand what people have against health care for everyone. Is it strange to think that its good for a government to care for its people? Is that weird? What's wrong with caring for people? Sometimes we can't do it ourselves, and so the government can provide. Of course, I DID live in a commune for 2 years... Which is why I can never hold elective office; they'll just assume i'm a commie.

Anyway, i didn't yell at the guy, dumbass that he is. He was talking about ways to "hide" money so he wouldn't have to pay taxes on it. I shit you now. "Hide" is the word he used. How about this: You realize that if you pay some more in taxes, and the government then returns that money to you in services (like healthcare) you actually have a net SAVINGS! dumbass.

Anyway, I bought a CD, and it's amazing. I'm sad to leave, but I'm happy to get the chance to see people again. I hope to get down to the bus this weekend. Phil's bday. Hang out with Nooree if she's free....maybe try to catch up with Suzi and Sean... but of course, i'm roped into partying with Zach as well.

God I hope i passed. God I dont want to fill out the ap for Ohio, but i'm doing it anyway... maybe it's for the best... maybe i was never supposed to be out here.... maybe this was my chance and I blew it. who knows.

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