I had to post this picture. I saw this dude playing out on the street today and he was freaking awesome. I mean, check it out. He was playing a Didgeriddo, a djembe, a foot drum and a stringed instrument all at the same time. And he was like amazing. amazing. If you're reading this Oxford Instrument Dude... you rule. way way way better than the two dudes playing good riddence a little down the road. Didn't anyone tell them that you only play that song at parties to prove you can play the guitar and to pick up drunk chicks? guess not. Shortly there after, it started to rain. a steady, slow, and sorta obnoxious rain. Aparently, this part of England was angry at being compared to San Diego earlier. and to prove me wrong, it never got nice. oh well. at least this guy was awesome. you are going to reseda to make love to a model from ohio you don't even know. whoops... lost my train of thought. fortunately, no one is actually reading this, so I can pretty much write whatever I want. uh zoom zip and I wake up. Tomorrow I actually have class. It has been a while. damn class.... gets in the way. beating me down like a rain storm, i need to feel it what the rain starts comming on. i know the skin is a jealous skin. i know the sky is its competition... Even if no one is reading this, I still like documenting my trip. and i like on line representation... it makes me feel like i'm real, like my non-adventures in oxford are way more adventurous than they actually are. because they are happening. I'm not just sitting in my room writing my blog. see. I can't fake that picture stuff. I mean, i suppose I could, but I'm not.... that and I write something, and it becomes part of the inter-net-ther. It is a little mark of me....lost in a crowd, maybe, but still there. and I say, little sister don't you do as you're big sister does...
1 comment:
hey Stephen
your blog is being read! Are you enjoying your classes at all? How many do you have? Are you hanging out with the OSU people a lot? Well, tell Laura D Hi for me, will ya.
have a great week
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