just 1 more week and I get to go home. I was trying to deny the homesickness from which I'm suffering, but I can't do it any longer. I miss home. I miss talking to my friends. I miss eating. I don't really get a lot of food here and am basically hungry all the time. ugh.... and to make matters worse, I can't concentrate on my work. 2 exams next friday. ugh... any way, I doubt I'll be taking many more photos while I'm here. These two are from the other day when I was at Parliament. Once again, we couldn't take pics inside, so I got these shots of Big ben. I thought Big ben was awesome. and Parliament looked sweet. Westminster is huge and this sorta golden color. Really cool. Any way, the first is my favority pic of big ben. I like funny angles. the second is sorta what he actually looks like. Hope any one who is reading likes. I miss you all.
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