that there is 1 Bevington. or Bev 1, as they call it. That's my house for the neext few weeks. my room is crappy, so no need to show you pics of that. actually, my house is on the right, bev 2 is on the left. see the dividing line? yeah... well, i walked around a bit again today (forgot the camera this time), and discovered a place called the eagle and the child. It is a pub that was evidently frequented by cs lewis and jrr tolkien. I didn't go in... I generaly don't go drinking by myself. but I plan to. just for the history factor of it. cause that's sweet. oh yeah, check this out.

That's a freaking LOTUS that I saw on the street. Its way smaller than I expected. and totally rad. yeah...
Glad to hear you made it safely, and a little bit amused that you found the pub where JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis used to drink. Perhaps someday all of the Oxfordinians (? is this a word ?) will say this is the pub where JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis AND Stephen Wolfson came to drink!
Good luck with your class, and double good luck on meeting your punk British girl.
hey, you found my car!
have a great time in Oxford.
you should drink more in the shower.
i bet tolkien drank "can't stand" lewis under the table. that is how he got the nickname. whats j.r.r. for.... joyfully? ripped? hmmm. need a 2nd r.
this blogspot seems so sophisticated.
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