So the other day (July 14) was Bastille Day, and I got to hang out with a bunch of french guys, 2 polish guys, and at least a few English guys (and a lone girl) to celebrate. They all work at St. Anne's for the summer and are all awesome!!! you guys rule! Charles invited me. He's the guy to the left with the white shirt on and the all too serious look on his face. I had a great time. Thanks everyone!!!!

The pic above is on of the largest 'henges in the world. Yup, Stonehenge. And I thought it was pretty cool. I took a ton of pics (and I will probably put a few more up tomorrow or some time soon), but this was my favorite. I took it from ground level and at a good distance. Sadly, we were not allowed in the circle of stones. That would have been really cool. And there were lots and lots of people. Stonehenge has that feel like you should be there only at dusk or dawn, totally silent, and with only a few mates (as they say here). But oh well. The rocks are really big. Many tons of stone. And the Druids, complete with long white beards (early transvestites, I've heard) held the ocassional human sacrifice over there. NEAT-O!!!! Any hoo, now I'm totally exhausted and don't have it in me to do... any... thing... else. I've had my fun, I've stretched and yawned and all is said and done I'm going to bed!!!!
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