In San Diego, when I was there a couple years ago, they suffer from something called the "june gloom." Aparently, from like mid may thru june, it is cloudy a lot there because the heat from the deserts suck clouds off of the ocean and onto the land. We noticed that it would spend most of the early part of the day kinda gross looking and then clear up by the afternoon. Its just like that here, but not as hot. And not filled with Californians (who are sorta their own breed, ya know). Here, the mornings seem to start out cold and rainy and then it has been getting nicer in the afternoon. Actually, its not rainy so much as it is spritzing. Like the heavens are misting me with a spray bottle. Today I haven't really done anything yet. I walked into towne, got some coffee, and read EU law stuff for a few hours. To be truthful, I dont feel so good. I haven't been eating so great since I got here, and its catching up with me. I can only handle so many potatoes before my insides revolt. But I plan to suck it up and go back into towne later and maybe check out the Bodlein, or something else. I haven't really decided. Any way, the pic from this post is of a knight templar thing on the floor of Middle Temple church. If you pay attention in the Da Vinci Code movie, you can see these guys lying on the ground. It was difficult getting good shots of them because they were approximatly life sized, on the ground, and I couldn't get a good angle. To take this one, I was leaning way back up against a pillar. But I like how it came out.... it's an odd angle. I also took it without flash, because I didn't like the reflection off of the stone. Which means that the shutter speed was really slow. Thus, its a little fuzzy... but again, I don't mind so much.... ehh... any way.... lunch soon. BTW, the pic below is a close up of a different templar. It looks to me like this guy has a 'stash. nice.

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