Monday, April 27, 2009

are we all going to die?

Are we all going to die? Apparently Europe thinks so, as they've suggested that European postpone all unnecessary trips to the US and Mexico for fear of swine flu. I'm basically expecting something out of a zombie apocalypse movie (think I Am Legend) to happen soon with military quarantining Manhattan and the whole island devolving into anarchy and cannibalism. Ya know, that or some people get sick and then it all blows over. Which ever. (All joking aside, Erin, If you're reading this, I hope you're ok over there)

So this weekend I spent a lot of time cleaning. My room and the garage are both looking 100% better. I just wish I'd gotten the chance to go out, but the cleaning really had to happen.

I did get to go on a long bike yesterday with these guys from teh cleveland touring club. I rode with the fast group, which was ok for about 25-30 miles, but it turns out that they were stronger than me, and I pooped out for the next 15-20 miles or so. I just couldn't maintain a 22-24 mph pace after that point. oh well. next time. And today, back to work. I'm about to head to the library and then, who knows. Tomorrow the Birds and Kathryn's birthday. And this weekend, i think i'm definitely going to the vader project, even if i have to go by myself. but i think i can convince kevin to come. I thought for a minute that we could make a double trip to the vader project and then to falling water, but it turns out that falling water is a lot farther from Pittsburgh than I thought. Oh well, that'll just have to wait for the next roaddie to Pennsylvania. back to work

1 comment:

erin said...

yep healthy as a horse. well, i can't hear out of one of my ears for some reason (??), but yes, all is well. but one of the families i babysit for just returned from mexico a few days ago for a wedding and the husband got sent home from work today, "quarantined" to his home for a WHOLE WEEK, just to be on the safe side. frea-ky...