Tuesday, April 14, 2009

a dream

I have a dream. its a little dream. a very little dream. I want to meet someone who hasn't seen The princess Bride and show it to him/her. I can't think of any movie so universally loved. I can't think of any movie that goes straight to my heart so strongly no matter how many 1000s of times i've seen it. I can only imagine that it was extraordinarily fun to make; the entire cast seems to be having a great time playing with all the cheeky, cheezy comedy. great great stuff. and it was written by an oberlin grad!!!! tee hee


Anonymous said...

i will make your dream come true. i have not seen the pricess bride, believe it or not! (nk)

erin said...

i def have not seen the princess bride. well, i may have seen a piece of it or two when i was in high school, but i don't remember it.