Friday, September 14, 2007


I just went to see The 11th Hour and mid-way thru the movie I started to cry a little. I'm such a fucking sissy. But you know why I started crying? Because we are all going to fucking die. And because people don't care. Do you think that the planet is just going to keep killing off people (like Katrina) until there are too few people to fuck up the environment any more? Maybe. On a happier note, the movie showed Oberlin and interviewed a prof. from there. that was pretty cool. Oh well, we're all dead, may as well drink my cares away.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

All things in mother nature seem to equalize over a long enough period. So yes, a big chunk of us will probably be killed so that we can't keep screwing with thens. Then it'll all settle up and we can do it again.

Either that or we'll kill ourselves off in nuclear war. I mean Russia is making a comeback and all.