I just noticed something, and its worthy of a quick blog post. In the first trilogy, Vader and the Emperor are calm almost all the time. You can tell they hate, but they are in control. Perhaps that is what makes them so powerful...that they can control their hatred so effectively. But, I was thinking about this as connected with the new trilogy, and this is yet another time Lucas seems to have fucked up.... In EPs 1-3, the Sith are clearly angrey. The only one who shows real control is Dooku... Sure, Maul is pretty calm in his few scenes, but he is clearly pissed off (I think he sprouted those horns by sheer will). But, think of EP3... Anakin is fucking livid.... The Palpy is a nut-bar... But Dooku didn't hate... He used his intense feelings to channel his power. Now, being the Star Wars apologist that I am, I can explain this...In the years between Ep3 and 4, Vader and Palpatine learned better about the Dark Side how to use their powers.... But I think this is a shitty excuse for Lucas fucking up yet again. One more time he shows how he misunderstands his own universe....It makes sense for Anakin to be how he was... It makes sense for him to have uncontrollable rage..... that is how Obi Wan was able to beat him (twice, I think). But Palpy doesn't make sense... He shouldn't have been purely crazy in teh final movie... He should have been more in control. More like Vader. More like He wa in the EP1 and 2 where he clearly shows that he's got his shit down... I dunnooooo... I'm making more out of it than needs to be.
So, other than that... things here have been very hard.... but its basically the same old same old. GRE in 1 week.. .grad apps being neglected...keep thinking that this girl may be into me, but not sure... so I dont do anything about it because I'm a sissy... and because I'd much rather just be a friend than potentially fuck things up.... sorta cleaned my apartment... dying to watch blade runner... need more free time... almost murdered a prof here.... and a partrage in a pair tree.
Look, all complaints about the new trilogy can be summed up with "Lucas is a total moron." Really, that would explain anything to anyone who's watched the series. Or it should anyway. You are right about Sidious, there's no excuse for the way he's portrayed. Like someone that obviously unhinged could fool the entire Jedi council living down the road.
As for Dooku I'm surprised Lucas didn't add a "force neck bite" just for him. Maybe he grows fangs that shoot lightning while growling emphatically. Come on, you know he'd have done it if he had thought about it.
Of course there's always the inevitable "special" editions that will roll out in four more years or so.
Also: "Act with your eyes damn it!"
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