SO I actually think that this pic of Daniel Johnston came out really well. I like it. I suppose that, conventionally, it is blurry or whatever. But it was exactly what I was going for, actually. I like blurry. I dont like flashes. And I like that there are 3+ of him there.
The concert was a great time.... but I have to admit that the best part was seeing a bunch of people rather than seeing the music. I mean, Daniel was good. and crazy as always. But, in reality, the parts I like best were just talking to Kevin, Mike, Mike, Maggie, and Karen. Speaking of...
Karen is (apparently) a cafe worker who came around after I 'retired' from the big B. She seemed pretty cool. I love this picture of her and Mike. I mean, i wish that I had a more clear pic, so I could show what she actually looks like, but, at the same time, I love how this pic came out. Its like (as Kevin said) Karen is moving thru time.
speaking of Karen... what's up with meeting people named Karen all of a sudden. I mean, growing up, I didn't know anyone named Karen... now, I know more than several. where did they all come from? Why didn't I get the message?
So, this past weekend I was at home for mom's day. now i'm back, and sending emails to every state begging for info on election contests. we shall see how profitable it is. This weekend was pretty good, tho. Andrew donated me his old computer (you rock andrew) and thats a good thing, since my dell rarely turns on now. I went to that concert (I just wish it had been a bit longer). the only dissapointing this is that I keep meaning to read more of my books, but I just haven't been doing that. Oh well, that starts today. soooo, yeah... I'm off like a dirty shirt.
There has to be some sort of logical explanation as to the Karen proliferation. I'm sure if we mucked around with some x and y variables we could extrapolate some sort of 10 dollar reason.
Multiple Daniels is perfect to underscore his bipolar disorder, 2 extremes and I guess one integrated.
Big ups to the new old computer.
My old PC served me well. Just make sure you clean out the dust regularly otherwise the GPU has some issues.
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