Wednesday, May 30, 2007

silly statement of the day.

"I need some DeCaff." No one needs DeCaff... you only want DeCaff (for some reason that I don't understand). Saying that you 'need decaff' is like saying "man I'm fucked up on this non-alcoholic beer" or "damn I'm totally addicted to these nicotine free herbal cigarettes."

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

this post is brought to you from the onomatopoeia "sigh"

So. I wrote Lindsay an email yesterday and she wrote back. And it made me oddly mellancholy. Something she said about trying to watch Freaks and Geeks but getting sad because it reminded her of Kevin just made me a little sad. Borders was a strange place because the people I worked with were, almost to a man, awesome. And we had some really great times (I can hear Kevin reading the "every fucking friday evening" from my mind). but there were many.... many... many crappy parts. Actually, I suppose all the crappy parts boil down to 3 things: low pay, no respect, retarded policies/managers. that being said, I seriously doubt I will ever have that great a time with that many great people again. Sigh.... Ive been slightly weirded out recently by the fact that next year I will probably be moving away from Columbus. There is basically no way that OSU will accept me into their program. And what's odd about that is that finally, after 4 years living here, I'm starting to feel like there are things I like about Columbus. I mean, the fact that I have no family or friends here sucks.... but I love my coffee shop. I love riding my bike to most places I need to go. I like Grandview. I just wish that anyone who may be reading this could be here too.
Stauf's is really my kind of place because it is just a place to go and hang out. I hate sitting in my apartment. I ahve always hated just sitting in the house. Well, here I sit... i read... I work... all things I could do at home, but I just like being here. I feel much more comfortable here than in my apartment. I feel much more like this is a 'home' for me and my apartment is just a place a stay. I used to just hang out with my friends. we didnt really 'do' all that much; we just kinda sat around... maybe played some scrabble, shot the shit, drank coffee...
and then... all that vanished. now everyone needs to do something. they need an excuse to be out. they would rather be at home. I usually need more of an excuse to be at home (want to be with the family, drunk, wow).
That being said... one of my fucked up juxtopositions in life is that if not pushed (either by myself or by someone else) I won't break routine.... so, stauf's is my 'home' where i am comfortable hanging out... but then people suggest we do somethign out of the routine and my first reaction is 'ummmm... well.' I try, when i realize that I'm doing that, to do the opposite (george costanza style)... but its tuff.

Columbus does have that major down side of 'no friends here.' I have work buddies. i have people i know... but i dont have anyone that i'd really call 'friend.' sigh...
on that note... i find it interesting that I have several long distance friends right now... Kevin. Jason... Mike... Andrew... people I never see (or rarely)... but I talk to....
I used to think it was diffficult to maintain friendships when you never see people... but id say that my relationships with jason, kevin, and andrew are pretty damn strong... I wonder why that is?/???? Did I change from a hang out friend to a phone friend? hrmmm... (not that I talk to andrew all that much... but, because of my brief dabble in insanity... I can easily call him a better friend that i think most people with brothers that are 7 years their junior.)
My research is going less well than I had hoped at this point. Its just very slow and frustrating because I dont feel like I'm getting all that I can. Oh well... i think my profs are happy with it, so that's good.
I'm not sleeping much right now... i feel like calvin and trying to pack as much into every day as possible.
I've rambled quite a bit here... i actually need to do something constructive. taaaaa

Monday, May 14, 2007

This post is brought to you by the phrase: "new computer"

SO I actually think that this pic of Daniel Johnston came out really well. I like it. I suppose that, conventionally, it is blurry or whatever. But it was exactly what I was going for, actually. I like blurry. I dont like flashes. And I like that there are 3+ of him there.

The concert was a great time.... but I have to admit that the best part was seeing a bunch of people rather than seeing the music. I mean, Daniel was good. and crazy as always. But, in reality, the parts I like best were just talking to Kevin, Mike, Mike, Maggie, and Karen. Speaking of...

Karen is (apparently) a cafe worker who came around after I 'retired' from the big B. She seemed pretty cool. I love this picture of her and Mike. I mean, i wish that I had a more clear pic, so I could show what she actually looks like, but, at the same time, I love how this pic came out. Its like (as Kevin said) Karen is moving thru time.

speaking of Karen... what's up with meeting people named Karen all of a sudden. I mean, growing up, I didn't know anyone named Karen... now, I know more than several. where did they all come from? Why didn't I get the message?

So, this past weekend I was at home for mom's day. now i'm back, and sending emails to every state begging for info on election contests. we shall see how profitable it is. This weekend was pretty good, tho. Andrew donated me his old computer (you rock andrew) and thats a good thing, since my dell rarely turns on now. I went to that concert (I just wish it had been a bit longer). the only dissapointing this is that I keep meaning to read more of my books, but I just haven't been doing that. Oh well, that starts today. soooo, yeah... I'm off like a dirty shirt.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

a brief thought

I swear, if I ever have kids, I will NOT talk to them like they are retarted dogs. With big eyes and dumb intonation. fuck that. My kid's going to be a super genious because I'm going to talk to him/her like he/she is a person.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


So. I just read a rumor that die hard may get cut down to pg-13. And that, my friends, is a travesty. I've been relatively excited about Die Hard 4. The trailers really do look cool. But I'm very--very--skeptical. I mean, it just sounds wrong. John McClair fighting...Computer Hackers!??!?! I dont fucking think so. I mean, the only way these computer hackers could be cool is if they were genetically bred from an unholy concoction of the genes of Hans Gruber and the Predator. But my guess is that they are just slick dressed metrosexuals in armani suits. And John McClain will have to kill... all of them. And it should be blood and there should be tons of swearing... and maybe some boobs. But at Pg-13, it is doubtful that we will even hear Yippie Kai Ya Mother Fucker! and that is unforgivable. If you studio fucks over at Fox are reading this. Dont do it. just dont. Make this movie what it should be: A kick ass, hardcore summer action flick. Think Bad Boys 2. Think Die Hard 1. Make the movie. Make it!!!! Dont fucking Pussy it out. If you do, you will be worse than George Lucas. Seriously. Die Hard is that sacred. John McClain Jumped off a building with a hose wrapped around his waist. John McClain is a badass. John McClain is R rated.