Icky. tomorrow school starts up again. And only 4 weeks until its all over. I'm done 4-30. that's craziness. I've never been out of school in april. craziness. Any way, things here are gorgeous. Insanely nice out. I've done some good work today.... I've been trying to prepare for the end of the year. And evidence is comming along decently. Time to start working on TMs, I guess. Any way... this break was highly unentertaining. i've basically worked every day as if I actually had school. I had this take home exam to do. and i did it. and im highly scared that it sucks. I dont know anything about business stuff... oh well... I did see 3 movies last week. Inland Empire (can't wait to see it again), TMNT (fun fun stuff) and the host (that's like my 3rd Korean flick. I need more.) but way too much work
And spent money. Dell basically tells me that my 'puter is fucked and I need to do somethign very costly to fix it... that's obnoxious. how about, dell, you just build a decent computer from the get go.... why does it have to suck so much?
I only have part time work over the summer, so I'm going to apply to borders and see if they'll give me a few more hours. that may actually be fun... but damn, so many expenses over the summer
totally fed up with law school... beyond fed up
Every time I think I'm over my thing for Karen, it creeps up again. I was talking to her yesterday, and my stupid stomach was all a flutter.... what the fuck? Usually I'm so much better at casting off crushes.... but, aparently not this one. I chalk it up to being lonely
I'm starting to worry about myself more. i haven't been this continually depressed since I was at oberlin. the bad times. no, mind you, im not nearly as depressed as I was back then (read: not crying every day), but I basically down a lot. ugh... just lonely. And, i've caught myself doing something that I used to do.... saying things in my head, but not actually SAYING them..... I always thought that was fucked up... ugh....
any way... I know the problem. I want my own life. I feel like my life is still my parent's life. I have never divorced myself from home. I still call home home.... my aparentment is my room, usually... I dont know.....I'm just lonely
Ive been thinking about shaving my head recently. it might happen. not now, but some time.
there's really something I love about the tag function in blogger
I feel like I'm always waiting for something to happen. I feel like I'm always living inside my own head... I feel... i dont know.
Today's pic is outside of my apartment at like 730am. when I woke up, the sun looked totally rad (and red) so I tried to take a pic... oddly, that is not how I thought it looked when I was taking the pic... but I looks cool any way. of course, didn't have my glasses on... so that could have had somethign to do with it.
god I hope I get into grad school..... god please...
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