Sunday, March 11, 2007

And I resume the struggle

Once again... not much to say today. Its spring forward today... teh worst day of the year. Is there anything worse than spring forward? They rob me of an hour. That was my hour. who are they to take it away from me? Any way, i'm here, at Stauf's, and trying to work on evidence. Its been going.... not great... but going. as always, im pretty distracted. so it goes. But I did take a pic....I just wish the shadow was more distinctive. That's what I was going for. oh well... what is special abou tthis book is that it waas my mom's.... back when she was still called "pereira." I know this because she signed her name in it.... that's pretty freaking awesome. But yeah..... not a whole lots been going on. I've really been needing break recently. I need to not be working on this bull shit. im burnt the fuck out. ugh.... any way... not much to say... i really just wanted to post the pic....

There's man all over for you, blaming on his boots the faults of his feet.

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