Andrew once pointed out a phenomenon about himself that applies with equal force to me. (yet another thing, i suppose). We both tend to hate the people who are into the same things that we are into. There are many such examples, but the one that comes to mind today is Columbus. As I've recently remarked, I have grown a fondness for Columbus that I never had during my first stint here. But today (and last night) I came to the realization that Columbus, like WoW, cycling, and Star Wars, is yet another instance where I don't like the people who also like Columbus. And who are these people???? Who is the achetypical Columbus-er? Why, of course, it is the Buckeye undergrad. Today was like move in day or something on campus and the influx of stupidity, testosterone, and walking proofs that Darwin was totally fucking wrong with his whole natural selection/evolution thing reminded me of why I gave this place the finger as I left the first time. It is no secret that I come to Stauf's at least partially to escape from law school and law students, 90% of whom get up my nose like a wire toilet brush, but it is almost impossible to completly run away from the buckeyes. They are everywhere. Everywhere. But the worst part is that even after the graduate, grow up, get jobs, procreate, etc. they are still buckeyes undergrads. It kinda amazes me, but the same mentalities that piss me off in today's undergrads are aparent in those of yesteryear.
This all came to a head today because I just had to fight through the mob scene that was le target. I prayed for a fire. and a riot. and mass hysteria. Instead, I almost got killed WHILE DRIVING in the parking lot by a giant fucking excursion who decided that stopping was too inconvient when all that was blocking her was a tiny yellow spec (me in my mini). I thank christ i was riding my bike or surely she would have thought that she had the right of way (which she fucking didnt!)
As I often am, I'm a bit melancholy today.... Weekends are always especially bad for me. This one made me a bit sad because of the family reunion. Too many old relatives... too much fear that I could never see them again. Grandpa worries me. I know that he's old, but I can't accept it.
I have this seminar that meets for the first time this week, and truth be told, Im terrified. I'm so damn busy right now, i don't know how I'll handle it.
Ugh...... alright. back to patents. Oh. GO BROWNS!!!! (I may not get the chance to say that again this year)