I'm a little sick and goddamn tired of hearing Bela Legosi, I mean Karoli, say that the Chinese Girls Gymnastic team is underage. And i'm even more tired of hearing everyone in the US parrot the same back. Yes, I get it... they look young. And hell, they may even be under 16. Who knows. I sure as shit don't. But what annoys me about it is that i am 100% convinced it is driven by fear and pissed-off ness of the US by being bested by Red China. Yup. Fucking cold war all over again. Look at the commies. Commie cheaters. Fucking commie cheaters. Fucking red cheater bastards who have little girls gymnasts who are better than our little girl gymnasts. You know what? The men's team was fucking awesome, right? And no one said they were under age. In fact, I think I noticed that one of those dudes was 29. My age. like way older than any of the americans. And they rocked. why? Maybe because they have a great team will hella skill. Cooozaaaaeeeie, huh? Maybe the little girls are just good? Maybe... fuck.
I always like the olympics in theory, but then they come on, and it strikes me that they should be about the world coming together in friendly competition, but instead they are world politics at their worst. Look how much better than we are than every other country in the world!!! Look!!!! LOOOK!! We have more medals. Michael Phelps is a fucking mer-man (dad MER-MAN!) Look how hot-sauce our girls beach volley ball team is! Look!!! and the worst is "look how different and weird the chinese commies are. fucking red china." The Olympics should be about bringing the world together, not about tearing it apart even more than it already is. These should not be our champions--national avatars--but they should be our representatives...the people who speak a universal language of sport. Who show that we are more similar than different. It shouldn't be about fucking medal counts. Or whatever. goddamn. But instead all I get to hear all day is how different china is from the US. Fine. I get it. fucking commies. Better dead than red, right? gaaaahhhh.
This world is so fucked up. True, this world has always been fucked up. but I've always wanted to believe that we are headed for better times, not worse. I've always wanted to believe that man has good in him... but just like darth vader, he is more machine now than man...twisted and evil. But there is good in him, I've felt it. I'm losing hope. All i see is people who can't see beyond their own noses. Who have these disturbingly narrow world views.
Ahhh... and so it comes back to the midwest. Its no secret that I think that midwesterners have a particularly bad problem with narrow world views. From my observational research, midwesterners tend to be from teh midwest, grow up in the midwest, and never, ever move out of the midwest. And all around them are other people from the midwest. They are born, grow up, live, and die all without ever realizing, or caring, of what the rest of the world is like. And i think that's a problem. I know that my own world view is disgustingly narrow. I try to broaden my horizons. I try to stay open to anything new. but I'm bad at it. I too like comfort. I like knowing what I know. (I know what I'll know. I'll say what I say...). But I need it to end. I need to escape. I need to grow up.... and maybe the only way to do that is move far the hell away. who knows?
sigh. this was supposed to be a quickie...and like all my stream of consciousness rants, it went around and around and wound up at me feeling sorry for myself. oh well. I think all i really want to say is, shut the fuck up, bela (legosi) Karoli. Go back to your crypt. (does anyone else think he sounds like dracula?)
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