Saturday, April 28, 2007
well... its done. that's all I can say. I think I may have fucked up. I dont know how badly. It irks me because I study so hard and I think I know it, but then test time comes and I choke. fucking damn. say a prayer for me, Nana.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
No pic today either. I just dont have the time. And I doubt you want to see either a picture of either me reading my notes or the rain in columbus. T-minus 2 days until evidence. 5 days until trademark... and freedom. I can't wait. even tho I need to buy a new laptop at some point, I'm tres excited about this summer. I can't wait to just research and read and study for GREs... that all sounds awesome. Things here are okay. I'm tired today. I didn't really sleep that much--dreamt about exams and stuff. I'm pretty much living on powerbars these days. I can eat them and dont have to take time away from studying. I shouldnt really be writing this right now, but I need a couple of minutes away from evidence. Actually, I'm about to take more than a couple of minutes away and I'm going to work on trademark.
A while ago I mentioned that I'd like to change the format of the blog a little. Id like to add more personal observations, more creativity, more something.... thats going to happen... but not until after monday. ugh... im so ready to be done. and just one more year and I'll be done for good. thanks god.
A while ago I mentioned that I'd like to change the format of the blog a little. Id like to add more personal observations, more creativity, more something.... thats going to happen... but not until after monday. ugh... im so ready to be done. and just one more year and I'll be done for good. thanks god.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Testing 1...2...3
So I'm trying out this scribe fire thing. I like the whole ability to post without having to load up blogger, but I can't quite figure out how to load a pic from here. i tried and faild, and may try again... but probably not until next week.
so my computer is fucked. it is giving me tons of shit. tons of shit. and I'm terrified that it is going to crap out on my for this exam period. i need to take my exams on computer. if I dont, bascially im fucked.... so very scared.
Sitting in Panera rigth now.... doing some trademark.... I think they just kicked up the music reaal loud and some people just sat next to me who are obnoxious. I wouldnt be here, Id be in stauf's, but I actually have to go to class today. well, its actually an optional class... but i want to go there. i like Simmons. Oh god, please let me get an A just so I can ask him for a recommendation.
Tminus 4 days until evidence exam. 6 until trademark. gotta get back to work. please hold out here computer. oh god please.
so my computer is fucked. it is giving me tons of shit. tons of shit. and I'm terrified that it is going to crap out on my for this exam period. i need to take my exams on computer. if I dont, bascially im fucked.... so very scared.
Sitting in Panera rigth now.... doing some trademark.... I think they just kicked up the music reaal loud and some people just sat next to me who are obnoxious. I wouldnt be here, Id be in stauf's, but I actually have to go to class today. well, its actually an optional class... but i want to go there. i like Simmons. Oh god, please let me get an A just so I can ask him for a recommendation.
Tminus 4 days until evidence exam. 6 until trademark. gotta get back to work. please hold out here computer. oh god please.
Powered by ScribeFire.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Happy Family Fire Pot
This post is dedicated to all my friends out there who may be reading this. I realized a few things about my good friends that separates them from sorta run of the mill people I know. You'll know who you are as soon as I start writing about this. First, my bestest friends are not scared off by my rabid geekiness. I realize that I am a geek thru and thru. The things I like I LOVE; the things I hate I HATE!!! But what's a little weird for me is that this seems to scare people off. And I don't quite get that, but people seem to be bothered when I start going off on some movie that I love (yes... this often means Star Wars.... but really, I feel passionately about a lot of other things).... And people seem genuinely bothered by my feelings... but i dont get it.... that's just me... but see, Kevin, Andrew, you guys aren't scared... That's just me... I think its part of my charm. I mean, I think more people should have acqute feelings. People who tend to be wishy washy annoy me. People especially find it strange when I go off about how much I hate something. This I understand better. People generally dont like to hear things ripped apart... But hey... that's me... If you are on my bad side, you're fucked.
Another quality of my friends (and another thing that seems to weird people out) is my tendency to say a lot of things that think are jokes, but people often think I'm serious. Its my delivery... I tend to say things jokingly more seriously than I say jokes, i guess... but that's whats nice about you guys... you keep up with me... I may switch from "DUDE, YOU SHOULD TOTALLY DO" whatever to something on a totally different topic back to whatever... then on... Andrew, I expect you to keep up.... after all you've known me forever.... But Kevin, I think that's why our conversations seem odd to observers... because we continually switch topics, levels of seriousness, whatever....
Any way.... These are my rambeling thoughts... Andrew wrote that I'm much less difficult to get along with than I think I am. I guess he's right... I try really hard to be nice. but I do think that my personality is ultimately hard to swallow. I just dont have boring/basic emotions... I just don't. I have huge emotions... Im a geek. I love it. I love getting DEEP into things... and I dont see myself changing... and Im happy about that... Andrew and I dont change.... we stay pretty constant... the world changes around us....... I like that. Growing up doesnt have to mean giving up. This guy at school today was talking about work and jokingly was talking about playing softball with his firm over the summer (that part is tru. they have a summer league). And he said somethign about getting what it would be like if he got yelled at by his boss for not turning a double play. And he said he'd just take it. I wouldn't. I turn and say fuck you and leave... that is what we should stand for.... He said yeah, but i have a family and I need a job and the money and shit. and I say, you need yourself before anything. you'll find another job... fuck assholes and fuck any job where you have to suck dick just to make a pay check... I'm never going to be a lawyer.
wow... where did that come from?
Im pretty tired... I need to do a little more school work before going to bed....ugh
Thursday, April 12, 2007
so it goes

Kurt Vonnegut Died last night at the age of 84. He was, without a doubt, my favorite American Author. Funny, sarcastic, sad, biting, powerful, and dead-on accurate, he was a genius. You will be missed, Mr. Vonnegut.
Its crunch time here at school. I think I'm all done on April 30... which means that I will blow out of here immediately, drive up to Meadville, get tanked with Andrew, turn around, drive to cleveland, sleep, then probably have to drive back to cbus to start work. At some point in there I probably have to send my computer to dell to have to fixed, buy BC, rot my life away for a while, start studying for the GRE (again), and figure out some time to rest.
I bought an XBLA game yesterday. It is a rhythm game. And its pretty cool. I wish I had some acid to drop while playing it, because it would be nuts. You have to press buttons on the controler when it tells you and that shoots off pretty fireworks as the camera pans all around and colors and sounds and BOOM!!!! yeah.
Its odd being here at Law school when you're not going to be a lawyer. People keep saying "when you're in practice..." or "when you take the bar..." or other junk like that. And at some point, I'm going to stand up and say, "nope. sorry. not going to happen..."
I kinda scheduled the other day. I say kinda, because basically need to fix a bunch... so who knows what i'll actually be taking next year. My main hope is that the year isnt a huge pain in the ass. Oh, and that I get into some grad school.... dreams...
speaking of dreams... someone I was talking to the other day had actually seen dreams. my friend Norree.... I was thoroughly impressed. She even liked the same dream that I did.... The one with the mountain climbers... odd..... not many people I bump into have any idea what that movie is... indeed, barely anyone I know has seen seven samurai. I got into an argument with someone who hadn't heard of rashomon and refused to believe that it is one of the best movies ever made..... well, it is.
any way... more work ahead...
Sunday, April 01, 2007
I've decided to change the focus of this blog a bit. normally it is just filled with me bitching. I so often need an outlet to just complain, and the blog fits that role perfectly.... and it will continue to fill that. But I think I'm going to try to start writing my general thougths/observations in it. Which pretty much means that its going to be even less interesting to people than normal. But hey. whatever.
So last night was prom. and, once again, it was hella fun. I drank a little too much (I didnt really want to drink anything at first) but not a lot too much... .I danced... and then I went to bed. unfortunately, however, this weekend has been a bust for trying to get work done. Nothing is getting done this weekend because of all these other things going on. oh well... and now the end of the year progress begins fo' real. (could that be faux real?).
I have full time work over the summer. Prof. Foley gave me 40 hours/week between him and Huefner. So that's awesome.
Mike is officially working in Iowa for John Edwards. Its sad to see him leave. Not that I see Mike much any more.... but he will always forever be my oldest friend. No matter how much he may annoy me at time (and I him, I'm sure), I think we will always be friends.... So its a little sad to think that he is not one minute away any more. So I'm posting a pic of mike and becky. Shes nice.... I hope they are in it for a long time. Who knows... but I hope the best for them
Its pretty out right now.... I want to leave..... I've had this window open for like 6 hours now, and I'm finally finishing the blog post. sigh....
Work just isnt working this evening. I wish it were, but I can't seem to focus good... oh well...
I dont like april fools day. All my sights a visit are doing fake posts... I dont know what to trust. Someone should tell /. that I want real fucking tech news... not bullshit.
Any hoo..... trying to work
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