so, above is my picture of Nooree from when we went to the bodies exhibit. As andrew has clearly already noted, this is a classic photo by stephen. Subject to one side. Fuzzy. Barely make out what's going on, let alone who it is... but I love pictures like this. Somehow, I think its more like an actual memory than most pictures. They are fuzzy. unclear.
and, of course, its arty. sorta.
so, Nooree was nice enough to go to the bodies exhibit with me before she went off to jolly old england. and the exhibit was pretty damn cool. ya know, if you're into that whole dead bodies cut apart and turned into plastic kinda thing. And of course, I am. so, it was kewl.
I'm sitting outside of my Int'l Human Rights class waiting for some 1Ls to get the hell out of our room. grrrrr... they don't belong there.
I've been considering emailing the director of graduate studies at Brown to say "hey, am i going to get in or not?" But I know full well that I won't hear anything until March. And I don't want to annoy them or anything. But I'm a bit tense.
I think people are a bit wussy about illness. I hear everyone around here 'gaa... I'm dizzy' 'gaaa' I can't breathe....' 'gaaa...cough cough cough... i'm dying.' I won't pretend that I'm happy when I'm sick... but I certainly don't turn into a sissy just because of it.